
Can ya makan… Human Rights

First Training: Coma-Ruga, Catalonia – Spain (30th March – 7th April 2012)

AIM: to promote Human Rights Education through utilisation and adaptation of stories as an integral part of heritage within the EuroMed region.

> To increase participants’ knowledge and understanding about Human Rights and Human Rights Education
> To develop skills in storytelling, using voice and language.
> To identify relationships between stories from different regions of EuroMed and Human Rights values.
> To identify the possibilities of using stories as a pedagogical tool for Human Rights Education.
> To create tools which participants can implement in their local realities for Human Rights Education.

HOSTED BY: Association of Human Rights Educaors (AHEAD)


Youth in Action Programme

Programa de la Juventud en Acción (Spanish)


Second Training: Amman, Jordan (20th – 28th August 2012)


> To evaluate the results of using tools for Human Rights Education through stories and storytelling which were created in Phase I in Spain and were implemented in the participants’ local realities in Phase II.

> To expand the usage of different types of art as pedagogical tools (theatre, puppetry & illustration) in order to create ready-to-use methods for Human Rights Education for children.

Posted February 20, 2012 by Elena10v